Improve mobility.
Increase vitality.
Strengthen your bond.

The Masterson Method®: interactive bodywork that transforms our relationships with horses and dogs by improving their quality of life.

Better Movement + Better Relationship = Better Life.

Enriching the human-animal bond through compassionate care and proven expertise.

Serving Virginia's Blue Ridge and Beyond.

  • "She’s doing great!"

    “Her shoulders were much easier to move. She never kicked out or bucked. Picking out her right hind foot is easier for her and I can hold it up longer without a fight.”

    Cortney & Ember

    Horsemanship Student and Former Broodmare in Training

  • "He’s moving sooo much better!"

    “What you do helps him more than anything else!”

    Rachel & Gus

    Owner and Upper-level Dressage Prospect

  • "I think that you are quite gifted in this modality."

    “It’s maybe a combination of your energy and the fact that you devoted so much extra time to learn things outside of Masterson–like the whys and the putting information together to get a larger picture of how best to approach a problem. I’ve had many bodyworkers out to work on Sully, and nobody came close to what you accomplished.”

    Jennie & Sully

    Equine Advocate and Rescue Success Story

  • “MARKED improvement."

    “Much more willing to move forward. Mona’s not even a horse person, and she noticed he’s more fluid in his movements.”

    Forrest & Pardner

    Lifelong Horseman and Green Trail Horse

  • "You! Thanks!"

    “Rode her today…she went from being a little wobbly to completely straight and forward!”

    Debbie & Sierra

    Riding Instructor and Unicorn School Horse

  • "He pulled like a beast!"

    “He’s been great, but probably ready for you again after we drug a cow out of a pond last night. 😂”

    Jake & Olaf

    Ranch Foreman and Working Cow Horse

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